Windows 10 Enterprise LTSB 2016



Buy Windows 10 Enterprise LTSB and use a stable and secure operating system in your company

Windows 10 Enterprise LTSB is designed to meet the needs of business customers with special tasks. This special version allows business customers to do without feature updates. Especially for computer systems that perform a special task, the main focus is on service updates. Quite a few apps from Windows 10 are not used, which is why feature updates become dispensable. The abbreviation LTSB stands for “Long Term Servicing Branch” and is the guarantee for a particularly stable system. This edition of the enterprise version is supported for 10 years and gives a welcome planning security after the purchase of the key.

For a lean operating system: Buy Windows 10 Enterprise LTSB

Windows 10 Enterprise LTSB is designed for special use in companies and is used, for example, in kiosk systems, plant control systems or information terminals. Such computers do not need apps or new features, but rely on a stable and fast operating system. If you buy Key from our store, you will receive software that contains the most important functions in terms of stability and security, but does without individual components. You get a concentrated version of the user-friendly operating system without apps, Store, Cortana as well as Microsoft Edge. Of course, once you download it, you will still get a software platform that is protected from outside threats.

Buy Windows 10 Enterprise LTSB and be confident of security

The key that you can buy from our store is the key for regular service updates and thus the guarantor for the security of the PCs you use. After the download, Windows 10 Enterprise LTSB can immediately find its use on medical devices, POS systems or ATMs. Business customers will not be subject to forced updates for either the 32-bit or 64-bit version. For example, in the industrial manufacturing sector, this means there is no downtime, which in the worst case scenario can mean downtime, frustration and aggravation. If you buy Windows 10 Enterprise LTSB, you will be provided with updated versions as an upgrade every two to three years. It’s up to you whether you upgrade or stay with the previous version. Of course, security updates as well as hotfixes are continuously offered online, however, and installed without interfering with operations.

For a mature system: Buy Windows 10 Enterprise LTSB

The upgrades contain only functions that have been extensively tested and completed in terms of development. If you buy the key cheaply via our store, you will thus receive a mature system that knows how to convince with stability. Windows 10 Enterprise LTSB contains some features designed for the industry. These include Write Filter, Input Filter, USB Filter, Branded Boot and Shell Launcher. In order to increase the system’s performance, the LTSB version omits Outlook Mail, Calendar, OneNote, Weather and News, which are primarily designed for a human to use the computer system. The software can be obtained online and sometimes used for machine control.

Buy Windows 10 Enterprise LTSB and be productive with a guarantee

The provision of security updates is guaranteed for ten years. Since there are fewer different releases, the administration effort is low. If you buy the operating system cheaply via our store, you will benefit from the fundamental strengths of the software platform. The user-friendly as well as intuitive interface allows you to make desired settings and configurations uncomplicatedly and immediately. The outstanding performance of the operating system can also score immediately in the industrial sector. Due to the wide distribution of the operating system, countless software solutions from professional manufacturers as well as specialized developers are available. The high number of developers guarantees customized programming that meets the individual needs of the business customer.

System requirements for Windows 10 Enterprise LTSB 2016

Processor: 1-GHz CPU, x86 or x64 processors and SoCs
Memory: 1 GB (32-bit), 2 GB (64-bit)
Graphics card: SVGA (32 bit per pixel)
Hard disk: 16 GB (32-bit), 20 GB (64-bit)
Screen minimum resolution: 800×600 pixels, recommended resolution at least 1366×768 pixels
Trusted Platform Module (TPM) – required
UEFI Secure Boot – required

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